

  1. 答:参考下面几篇,参考资料上还有很多,可以去找找:
  2. 答:1、 [工程管理]初探工程量清单计价模式下招投标阶段的工程造价控制
    内 容 摘 要工程量清单计价模式下的招投标是今后招投标的方向,它具有统一工程量、合理低价中标、投标单位根据企业定额自主报价等特点。工程量清单计价模式对工程造价控制目标和具体工作有着深刻的影响,新的...
    类别:毕业论文 大小:51 KB 日期:2008-11-03
    2、 [工程造价]浅析如何进行建设工程质量控制
    摘 要质量控制的要素及目标一个建设项目从可行性研究到设计再进入施工阶段,最终实现工程设计意图形成产品,达到业主目标,对业主说这是一个由投入到产出的过程。这个过程的关键就是产出过程——即施工阶段。施工...
    类别:毕业论文 大小:21 KB 日期:2008-07-04
    3、 [工程造价]招投标阶段工程造价的控制管理
    摘 要 在市场经济条件下,投资者和承包商在市场追求的经济利益不同。提高工程质量降低投资费用,是投资者始终关注的问题;而承包商追求的是较高的工程造价。建设工程招投标制是我国建筑市场走向规范化、完善化...
    类别:毕业论文 大小:40 KB 日期:2007-10-08
  3. 答:有难度...........
  1. 答:The project marked price establishment and the quoted price are the crucial work which bids, also is entire bids the work the core, after whether is selected, is selected gains how many, is playing the decisive role in the very great degree. Therefore this article analyzed with emphasis has bid the quoted price as well as the full strategy, the skillful aspect content.
  2. 答:The engineering marked price establishment and offers are the decisive work that bids, is also the whole core that bids to work, to whether in the mark, medium mark is behind earnings how much, rise the decisive function to a large extent.So this text point analyzes to bid to quote and the contents of the satisfied strategy, technique.
  3. 答:The engineering marked price establishment and offers are the decisive work that bids, is also the whole core that bids to work, to whether in the mark, medium mark is behind earnings how much, rise the decisive function to a large extent.So this text point analyzes to bid to quote and the contents of the satisfied strategy, technique.
  4. 答:Works with the preparation of tender offers is the key tender, the tender is the core of whether essful, the number of essful, profitable, in large part have played a decisive role. The focus therefore analyzed the bids and putting strategies, skills content.
  5. 答:是写论文的摘要吧 这类的翻译比较专业,请找专业人士 或私下联系本人
问:急求一篇关于工程造价的文章,并翻译成中文 字数1000左右吧
  1. 答:你自己在外文文献资源上找一篇,下载下来,然后询问一下论文老师的意思,可以了就上淘宝找翻译服务的卖家,跟他们谈呗,一般是以字数算钱的,难点的、专业
